As the productivy of the operation drops and this impacts on finances. There are cases of managers who conclude that is necessary to hire more people, precisely because they do not realize that slow systems make the work of professionals more time consuming. In the extreme, expenses are made wh the infrastructure even before locating where the bottleneck is. And these investments could be better applied if preventive actions had been taken. 3. User and team dissatisfaction Charged by users, professionals are faced.
The dilemma of not being able to accurately solve the problem of slow systems. Thus, s performance tends to be much more operational than analytical; more technical and less intelligence (proactive and preventive). Not infrequently, managers lose moible number data excellent professionals for not investing in cutting-edge resources and services. Employees always feel like they are “putting out the fire”, which wears down the relationship and opens up room for turnover in the department.
Slowdowns in your company's systems To avoid slow systems, is important to make sure that the infrastructure has good performance. A special look at databases and application servers is also essential. That's what your Porto Alegre Metropolan Ticket did . The consortium, which is made up of 17 bus companies, plus Trensurb and Catsul (river transport), cannot have problems wh unavailabily or slowness, since more than 33,000 companies and users depend on transport in the metropolis.