The standard analysis when we want to check our websiteblog pages is to select the month (or quarter or week) and compare it with the previous month. This is a necessary analysis and should really be done constantly. However, it can hide valuable information. A good tip is to invest in this search: This is because the selected month is what Analytics will use as a basis for comparison, that is, it will show the pages with the most access for the initially chosen month. Observe the difference in the analysis when the starting point was August.
When the starting point was July: When you use the previous month as a Croatia Phone Number List starting point, it's easier to identify pages that performed very well that aren't doing well now. A good example of this was when we had an indexing issue with our Content Marketing page . Despite being one of the most important contents of the blog (after all, it is our core business ), it is not the content that receives the most traffic, it is not even usually among the 0 most visited contents. When we reversed the months, we noticed that the Content Marketing post was in the top 0 in the first weeks of December, however in the last few weeks it had zero accesses.
Perhaps without this action we would not have noticed, since we were still in first place on Google (but with another page), and it is normally not among the most visited, so it was difficult to notice the drop in traffic. This little story just shows the importance of this research by investing the months and continuing to search for more information with the data we have. Identifying the reasons for traffic decrease or growth More important than finding declines or growth, is understanding why a page lost or gained traffic.