Yes, in the business world we constantly hear about the CEO, but are you clear about what exactly he or she does? What is his role in the company? If the answer is no, he continues reading. Let's first define what exactly a CEO is before going into more detail. This is the professional who occupies the highest administrative position in an organization and is aware of all the strategies carried out by the company. His main job is to establish the guidelines to take the business to a safe harbor. Among its responsibilities we find: Analysis and execution of marketing strategies.
Sales strategies. Projection of medium and longterm objectives. Studies Belarus WhatsApp Number of new markets to participate. Supervision of company departments. Checking the recruitment process for new employees. In short, the CEO sets the mission and vision of the company and ensures that the guidelines he established at the beginning of the game are met. The truth is that there are a lot of responsibilities , so you have to prepare yourself if you want to be a CEO in the future. What exactly does a CEO do? Would you like to know what activities an executive director does on a daily basis? Take a look at the following list and take note.
Plan strategies As the highest administrative authority, the executive director is in charge of all strategies executed in the company . It is true that he does not work on them directly, but the planning and supervision does pass through his hands. It can be from the digital transformation process of the organization, creation or launch of a new product, marketing campaigns and sales strategies. This is one of the reasons why you must have knowledge in multiple areas, since you must take care of many problems at the same time. Ensures compliance with the mission and vision The truth is that without mission and vision there is no paradise , the game ends before it begins.